A Song for Helen


I had a dream of you last night:

We were outside, playing in the dark;

The moon was out but gave the faintest of light.

As the hour went to midnight, we held hands

And walked along the lagoon, glad we were the only ones outside

I remember I whispered something into your ear

You chuckled, the replied ‘Yes, dear’.

You drew me toward the water’s edge

The moon’s reflection danced in your eyes

We’ve stood in the shadows, you and I,

Feigning glances that speak little or not

These words, I have so much to say to you

Words I can only say at that special time of night

Yet the morning is almost here

So instead I let you wisper back into my ear

And then I said ‘Yes, dear’

Just let me finish this song tonight

And let me sleep ever-more in your arms.