Someday . . . 21


Someday I will be 20

someday, everything will start to make sense

these tears of mine that have filled this bucket

will fertilise something bountiful;

someday, my cup will runneth onward

the hour I become sober

someday you will remain here with me

no longer a distant memory

you see

someday, these words will have meaning

someday, I will dine with Camus and Socrates

when that day cometh

I will be 21,

by then, this poem will have become a song.


Does the Sea still Exist?

Does the sea still exist?

Are the ocean waters still colored blue

Or have they lust their luster and mystique

To climate change and what not?

I haven’t been this close to the sea in months:

COVID-19 has me hiding indoors

Look at me, social distancing from my Labrador

How can I worry about the environment

When I’m too lazy to make my bed?

I wonder if the fishes are lonely like me

My face mask is now my best friend, dare me to breathe

This noxious, germ-infested air

On everything I touch, even the clothes I wear

But neglect to change, because my light and water bills have gone on holiday

Soon I’ll be lighting candles just to stay awake

But, oh well, at least the sea remains.