Loving You is a Drug

Loving you is a drug 

I know I should quit you 

But they further I stay clear 

The more I want you near. 

Loving you is like an evil potion 

Effervescent, malicious 

So much I don’t wish to commit to stay 

Yet here I am again. 

Loving you is a hurt I yearn for everyday 

I lie in bed awaiting your return 

Your sultry voice whispers my name 

That comes with your touch.  


Watch me take flight,

Watch me leave this world –

I am about to quit this scene

Think I won’t spill the beans

Of you leaving me before I return to sea.

See me, see me fly light like

A kite to your spinning wheel

This rope that tethers me still

To your grasp, Oh, fiendish being!

The sun is east, the moon is west

Becalm is the tremulous storm that beats inside my chest

My mind. I won’t run no more, though I

Cannot stay tied to this wretched love tonight.