If These Walls Could Talk

If these walls could talk, they would tell you how long I’ve sat here longing for your touch. They would whisper to you how much I’ve been dying to know when you would return to me, how soon you would arrive here to wrap me in your grasp and let me know it’s okay not to be alone anymore. I won’t ever need to be alone as long as you’re here with me.

It’s times such as these that I wish I was blessed with infinite super powers. Would you take a guess at what I’d do if I had Super man’s 

If these walls would break, you know I’d don a cape and see how I can fly to wherever you are. I long to be where you are. To feel your touch like I did this morning before you left for work. It’s been hours, yet it feels like ages whenever you leave. I rolled back and forth in bed, hugging my pillow throughout the morning hours. If only I’d held you back from leaving, maybe whispered something sweet to compel you to return to bed with me. It’s times such as this that I wish my super power enabled me to hold and rewind back time. 

And what would I do if that were possible for me to accomplish? Would it be enough for me to hold you back and prevent you from heading out to work today? If so, then why don’t I continue rewinding back time to when we first met. To when you proposed marriage to me, and then I uttered the words “YES.” And after I’m done, I would then forward time to you and I cuddling in bed the morning after our nuptial. 

If only these walls could talk.

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